Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday, monday...

Happy Monday! Taking a quick break before I dive back into work!

I got a lot done on the yard this weekend! I've never mowed using Cody's riding lawn mower, but he was out of town, so ridin' I went! I think the blades need to be sharpened, but other than that, I did a pretty good job! I also spent HOURS weedeating! The hill by the arena and the hill next to the road are both weed-free now! I also weedeated around each fence post. It all looks great!

I got most of the house clean, and will finish it up tonight. Cody and I bought a recliner at a garage sale and although it's ugly, it's nice to have it in the living room. I don't know how long it'll stay because it doesn't quite fit. I'm considering changing the room around so that the TV is on the wall closest to our bedroom and the Crouton (our futon) is against the windows. We'll see...

Mazda is the most whiney puppy I know! She will whine in her kennel a little bit, which is no big deal, but after you let her out in the mornings, she whines and whines and whines! It's funny.

This week is a 4-day work week...yay! I talked to my mom last night and she really sounded like she wants me to come home for the weekend, but this is one of the only weekends Cody and I have to get stuff done around Abigail Ranch. Hope she's not too disappointed. We are going down to Burlington on Thursday evening to watch Cody's little sister play softball and will stay until the fireworks on Friday night.

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