Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

This note is making it's way around facebook. I filled it out yesterday, and thought I'd also post it here!

1. In 1999, I was in car wrecks on January 7, June 7, July 7, and October 7. Oh, and my mom hit a cow that year, too, but it wasn't on the 7th.

2. Most of my family calls me RHB, aka Red-Headed B. Most of the time, I'm quite proud of that nickname.

3. Cody and I think it's funny to mess with our "relationship status" on facebook. It's great to see peoples' reactions!

4. I get very nervous when driving in the snow and ice. During my freshman year of college, I was driving the family's old green Suburban when it slid down McCain hill sideways and took out three cars at 1 AM.

5. I have a new motor in my truck, thanks to Jiffy Lube's mess up.

6. There's nothing better than riding a horse with a good western pleasure lope. It's like floating.

7. I should have given up my AQHA amateur status years ago. I love giving riding lessons and training horses, even though I'll probably never do it at a breed show level.

8. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

9. I LOVE attending red-dirt concerts. I saw Pat Green at a concert at Longhorn's Saloon in 2002, before he'd hit the big time (he was barefoot for the entire concert!). Reckless Kelly and Eli Young Band put on the best concerts.

10. My favorite thing to drink in the summer is sugar-free cherry Kool-Aid. I do not like regular Kool-Aid.

11. When I was 7 or 8, my brother and I won the box turtle races at Brookville's Labor Day Celebration. The only reason our turtle was fast was because we hadn't fed or watered him in a couple weeks, and he was trying to get away from us.

13. My parents left me at Pizza Hut when I was little. It was time to leave, I went to the bathroom, and they both thought I was getting in the car with the other parent. I still give my mom and dad a hard time about this.

14. When I'm in KC, I really miss being able to see the stars at night.

15. I rarely go out in public without wearing mascara. Sure, I'll go grocery shopping (in KC!) covered in dirt, smelling of horse, wearing mud-covered boots and coveralls, but I'll be wearing mascara!

16. I don't think I could ever be a stay-at-home mom. Kudos to those of you who do it! Sure, I want to have a couple kids, but I like working.

17. My only requirement when I bought my house was that I could keep a horse there without any special permits and it was only 20-30 minutes from downtown. I didn't care about garage spaces, bedrooms, or kitchen islands. No, my house isn't perfect and needs some work, but it's in a great location.

18. In the year and a half I've owned my house, with the help of one amazing boyfriend, an incredible family, and the best friends ever, I have built a barn, poured part of a new foundation in concrete, cleared away two huge dirt piles, enlarged the driveway, poured a concrete pad to park on, built stairs to the deck, repaired the deck, painted the kitchen, installed a new microwave and dishwasher, replaced one window and one door, installed a new porch light, painted the front porch railings, planted lots of grass, installed white vinyl and high tensile fence all the way around the property, hung lots of gates, completely repaired the closet that was falling off the side of the house, ran water and electricity to the barn, planted lots of flowers, trimmed lots of trees, repaired the door and entry way into the sausage room, repaired the roof, cleared away grass and rocks for my arena, cleaned up the pasture, poured concrete in the barn, repaired the well cover, cleaned out the gutters, poured a concrete sidewalk, and completed countless other home improvement projects. Whew!

19. Cody and I really really really need a tractor...a compact tractor with a loader, mower, backhoe, box blade, and tiller, to be exact. Donations are being accepted.

20. One of my life-long goals is to run over an armadillo.

21. I have naturally curly red hair. I dyed it once, when two of my friends and I decided to switch up the order of the blonde, the brunette, and the red head. It was supposed to be blonde, but my hair turned into a funny looking brown color. Did you know only 3% of the world's population has red hair?

22. I can still recite the Gettysburg Address. We had to memorize it in the 8th grade.

23. When I was a kid, I took lessons for just about everything. Piano, bowling, dance, golf, baton, canoeing, saxophone, horseback riding, archery, and even gymnastics.

24. Yes, my eyes are very green. And yes, I wear contacts, which makes them even more green.

25. I love my life!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Christmas, New Year's Eve, and....why haven't I blogged in so long?

So why haven't I blogged in so long? I'm just a little busy, I guess! I love spending time at the barn, giving lessons, and training horses.

Christmas was a blast. I spent time with Cody and his family, with my family in Salina, and visited all three grandparent households. Cody and I got a LCD TV for my parents, which was a big surprise! They also received a hall tree from Cody that won't fall over no matter how many coats you put on it!

The coolest present I got this year? A Dyson vacuum! It's incredible! Mom and dad got me the "animal" version, which is perfect for our house with two long-haired Aussies! Cody has been vacuuming (which we now call dysoning) with it almost every day. (Thank you, Cody!)

We spent New Year's Eve down in New Strawn, just like we did last year, with a huge bonfire next to Redmond lake. The fire did a great job of keeping us warm, as long as you turned around every few minutes!

Cody and I still can't seem to stay put in KC for very long. We've already spent three weekends visiting two sets of grandparents, and the White Buffalo Ranch, and Cody has made a few trips to Burlington. We'll be home this parents and grandma are coming to KC to celebrate my birthday.

Guess I'd better clean my house, huh!?!?!