Thursday, June 26, 2008

I have to clean my house!

It's getting kind of scary at the White House! That's the plan for Sunday...clean the house!

Cody and I haven't worked on the closet at all this week! I thought we could last night, but I got home from work late and then went to help the mayor's daughter with her horse. I was planning on working on it tonight, but we are going to eat supper with Cody's sister and her fiance. And for Friday night, I planned a hot date with Cody to go see WALL-E. I'm really excited to see that movie! So the closet remains unfinished....

Here's a vent: if you are a parent and you want your child to enjoy riding horses, PLEASE buy them a decent horse! There is nothing more frustrating than a horse that won't go forward when the child tells it to. The child gets frustrated, the horse gets pissy, and the whole thing goes downhill from there. Another $500 would probably get you a horse that lopes when you tell it to. It makes riding a lot more enjoyable.

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