Monday, September 15, 2008

Tree no mo!

When I was little, there was this commercial on the radio that advertised for "Snore No More," some sort of anti-snoring drug. I'm sure it was a huge success and millions of people from around the world were able to stop annoying the innocent people who had to put up with Zzzzzzzzzzzs. ;)

Regardless of the drug's effectiveness, the commercial lives on in the White Family to this day. Everything that is "no more" is "no mo." We kind of have our own language, and I think this is one of the founding terms. So, let's practice! When it's snowing outside and you want it to stop, say, "Snow no mo!" When the Cheifs took out the Patriot's QB, you could say, "Tom Brady no mo." When Princess Diana died, my dad woke up my mom (mom was a huge fan of Lady Di!) and said "Di no mo." Get the picture?

The latest improvement at Abigail Ranch is "Tree no mo!" Cody and I (well...mostly Cody!) cut down the walnut tree in our driveway. It was an okay tree, but it needed to go. 1) It was in the way and Cody thought I was going to back a car into it one day. 2) It wasn't providing much shade or doing much good. We've expanded our driveway quite a bit, and the tree didn't fit there. 3) It kept getting lots of spider-wormy-thingys and they ate all the leaves off of it.

It looks a little strange at Abigail Ranch with "tree no mo." I'll try to get around to posting pictures soon!

Blog no mo........................'til next time!!

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