Thursday, April 10, 2008


It seems like all of my friends are blogging lately. So, why not hop on the bandwagon, right?

Here's a look into my life. Will anyone read it? Doubtful. Either way, it'll be therapeutic for me. NOTE: Since my career involves good writing and complete sentences, I sometimes get tired of it. Please don't be offended if this blog doesn't have perfect edits. I'm trying to be rebellious. ;)

So, 4/10/08. Woke up this morning. Put my boyfriend's laundry in the washer and crawled back in bed. I was tired from the Royals game (and Crown seats, which were awesome, by the way) from the night before. I got scolded by boyfriend for not putting my phone in its case. It's fine, really.

It was just a bad morning from there, however. It was raining, I stepped in mud, Mulk got the carpet muddy (not that it wasn't muddy already), I almost forgot my laptop and had to go back and get it, I was late to work b/c of traffic (and I never have to deal with traffic!), blah blah blah.

Enough of that.

The Royals game was tons of fun last night! Thanks, FH, for the tickets! Free food, free booze...yeah, the rain wasn't fun, but oh well.

In other truck is still in the shop and I'm so tired of driving the rental car - Dodge Nitro. I got in another fight with the blinker this morning. I try to turn it off, and the other side goes on. Very frustrating.

I really want to ride Shiloh tonight, but it's too muddy. I need to get some sand for the arena.

That's all for now.


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