Then, we went to Cody's family's Thanksgiving down in Coffey County. I didn't take any pictures there, but I'm sure his sisters have a few.
Our next Thanksgiving was at the White Buffalo Ranch. Despite the fact that were were NO deviled eggs (ahem, Grandma!), we stuffed ourselves silly. ;)
You have to raise your hand if you want to get a word in.

Madi (Andy's girlfriend), Jim Jr., Doni D., Beckem (Madi's son), Mom, and Andy.

Madi again, Grandma, Unca, and Dad. And Cody somehow didn't get in my Thanksgiving eating pictures, but he was there, too! ;)

My mom and I braved Black Friday to get a Wii at Sam's. It's a ton of fun! I'm a particular fan of cow racing. Here's a pic of Grandma and Cody playing Wii.

We really had a great time this Thanksgiving. Now, on to Christmas!
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