Blackberry Pearl White
On December 1, 2008, Blackberry Pearl White died of unnatural causes. She was brutally murdered when she was dropped into a vat of cool, creamy, 2% milk. Although she tried to come back to life on December 5, 2008 when she woke up when her alarm clock was scheduled to go off, showing signs of life by making strange ringing noises (scaring Abby half to death thinking that there was a burglar in the kitchen). She was finally removed from life (and battery) support and took her last breath.
She is proceeded in death by her grandmother, Sanyo VI-2300 Green.

She is survived by her mother, Sanyo Katana Pinkish,

Nokia is with child and is expected to give birth to Blackberry's granddaughter, Blackberry Flip Charcoal

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